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The School Voucher Illusion:  Exposing the Pretense of Equity, edited by Kevin Welner, Gary Orfield and Luis A. Huerta, is available from Teachers College Press. 

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Press Release Are We Closing the School Discipline Gap? New Research Identifies Districts with Worst Suspension Records
Findings include: U.S. kids are losing almost 18 million days of instruction; Florida leads all states with highest suspension rate; many districts have improved, but overall U.S. rate has changed little.
Press Release Decades of Inaction Lead to Worst Segregaton in Pennsylvania Schools in Two Decades
Using statewide public school enrollment data from 1989 to 2010, a new report examines changes in school enrollment and segregation at the state-level as well across Pennsylvania’s two largest metropolitan areas –Philadelphia and Pittsburgh.
Press Release Delaware’s School Resegregation Increasing after Dissolution of its Groundbreaking Metropolitan Desegregation Plan
"The Courts, the Legislature and Delaware’s Resegregation" summarizes substantial research showing segregated schools’ strong links to multiple forms of unequal educational opportunity and outcomes.
Press Release Northern New England Schools Experience Early Racial Change
In this report, school segregation in Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont is analyzed and found to be presently modest and localized, especially compared to other parts of the country, but slow increases in racial diversity signal changes ahead for the region’s schools. The authors urge the states and schools to act now to create policies addressing racial change and integration, before segregation becomes entrenched.
Press Release Education Tool Guides Districts and Schools on Using LCFF to Narrow EL Achievement Gaps
A new educational guide is available that helps California schools, districts and teachers target the best ways to implement California's Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), so that it narrows the achievement gaps between the state’s English Learners (ELs) and all other students. The guidance recommends research-based practices that innovate and reshape ways for addressing the educational needs of ELs.
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