This section includes press releases and statements about education and racial justice issues.
The Civil Rights Project (CRP) is a leading resource for information on racial justice. CRP strives to improve the channels through which research findings are translated and communicated to policymakers and the broader public by publishing reports and books on critical civil rights issues.
UCLA Civil Rights Project Statement on Trump-Musk Initiatives to Force Illegitimate Reversals of Long-Established Civil Rights Policies
- The Trump administration claims that a wide variety of civil rights programs it describes as “DEI” (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) are illegal and must be ended under threat of extreme sanctions. The UCLA Civil Rights Project supports the statement by leading constitutional law scholars concluding that the administration’s claims are wrong.
CRP Co-Director Patricia Gándara Honored with Mexico’s Ohtli Award
- Prestigious award recognizes those who have set a path for others, benefitting Mexican citizens and culture. Gándara’s contributions have furthered bilingual education, protected the civil rights of Latinos and others, and illuminated the needs and potential of transnational students and educators.
New Research on Teachers Highlights CA's Need to Recruit/Retain More Teachers of Color and Correct Unequal Distribution of Experienced Teachers
- Two new studies of California teachers show we are far from reaching our goals of racial equality in the state. The first study uses a mix of qualitative and quantitative data collected over the course of one year from system leaders in teacher preparation, pre-service teachers, in-service teachers, and former teachers to better understand current policies and practices that may be contributing to teacher burnout, turnover and early retirement of teachers of color and indigenous teachers. The second study is a policy brief that analyzes the most recent teacher experience and student race data available from the California Department of Education and shows that the inequitable distribution of experienced teachers in schools of differing racial compositions continues.
New CRP Report Shows North Carolina Schools Losing Hard-Earned Progress on Integration
- North Carolina’s public school enrollment has become increasingly racially diverse, with White students now accounting for less than half of the state’s enrollment, yet schools across the state have become more segregated. The state was once a trailblazer in school desegregation, but 1 in 4 Black students and nearly 1 in 5 Hispanic students now attend an intensely segregated school of color in North Carolina.
New research reveals U.S. charter schools exhibit higher racial segregation compared to magnet schools in same districts
- New research from the UCLA Civil Rights Project finds that the fast-growing charter sector is associated with more segregation than the magnet sector. The report examines schools in a sample of more than 100 districts that hosted at least five charter schools and five magnet schools in any year since 2000. This sample is key for evaluating choice policies and for enabling comparisons of locations where policymakers decided to implement both school choice models.
UCLA Civil Rights Project Assesses School Segregation 70 Years After Brown
- Brown v. Board of Education was a turning point in American law and race relations. In a country where segregated education was the law in seventeen states with completely separate and unequal schools, Brown found that segregation was “inherently unequal” and violated the Constitution. A new report published today by the UCLA Civil Rights Project, The Unfinished Battle for Integration in a Multiracial America – from Brown to Now, discusses the present realities of school segregation and the patterns of change over 70 years.
New Report Describes Developmental Education, Reform Efforts and Implementation in CA Community Colleges
- This new CRP paper honors the memory of CRP collaborator Tatiana Melguizo and her vision of greater equity for students of color, low-income students and English learners, who often reach higher education underprepared for the courses they need to take to progress toward their degrees. We hope that the account presented here is useful to community college educators across the nation.
New report details extensive segregation in suburban schools of largest U.S. metros amid policy vacuum
- Almost one-third (30%) of students in public schools in the United States are enrolled in suburban schools in the nation’s largest 25 metro areas, where two-thirds of metro children are being educated. According to a new study by the Civil Rights Project/Proyecto Derechos Civiles, these suburban schools are experiencing a substantial proliferation of school segregation, underscoring an urgent need for a civil rights agenda that addresses the challenges to educational opportunity and lasting integration.
New Data show CA school administrators dramatically increased disciplinary exclusion of homeless youth to highest rate in 6 years
- Research does not support the long-standing practice of kicking students out of school for minor misconduct. Unfortunately, after years of declining rates, new data in this update to the Lost Instruction Report -- released in Oct. 2023 — shows that school administrators are increasingly denying students who are homeless access to school.
New UCLA Brief Sheds Renewed Light on Immigration Enforcement’s Devastating Impacts on Latinx Students
- A new collaborative research brief from UCLA’s Latino Policy and Politics Institute, Center for the Transformation of Schools, and Civil Rights Project/Proyecto Derechos Civiles examines the harmful impact of immigration enforcement actions on Latinx children of undocumented immigrants. Building on a 2017-18 survey finding two-thirds of those surveyed reported a negative impact of immigration enforcement in their schools, this new research brief updates the analysis and spotlights the urgent need for comprehensive policy reforms that ensure the well-being of all students, regardless of their parents’ immigration status.
New Demographic Studies: Increasing Diversity of School-Age Population, Complexity of Native American Population Data Have Implications for Civil Rights
- Demography, may not, as the famed French philosopher Auguste Comte once wrote, “be destiny,” but two new analyses, a demographic simulation of the school-age population of the United States and a projection of the racially-identified American Indian and Alaska Native population to 2050, make clear that rapid changes in the racial and ethnic composition of the population have and will continue to reshape the nation, with significant implications for education and the future of civil rights.
New CRP Research Examines Impact of Gentrification on Schools, Potential for Reducing Segregation
- A new study, published today by The Civil Rights Project/Proyecto Derechos Civiles, examines the growth of gentrification in California and its impact on schools and educational opportunities in the state.
New research details lost instruction time in CA schools, underscores disparate harm of post-pandemic punitive suspensions
- Two groups of children with the most unstable home environments - foster youth and those experiencing homelessness - are the two groups that educators are most likely to send home by meting out punitive "out-of-school" suspension, according to this new research.
CRP Co-Director Patricia Gándara Elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
- The Civil Rights Project/Proyecto Derechos Civiles congratulates CRP Co-Director Patricia Gándara for her election to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, in recognition of her life's work pursuing equal educational opportunity on behalf of immigrant students and families.
New Civil Rights Project Research Urges Schools Do More to Address Racism
- As conservative governors and legislatures across the nation seek to limit learning and discussion in schools about race and racial history, this new research published by the Civil Rights Project/ Proyecto Derechos Civiles, calls on schools, educators and policymakers to do just the opposite – challenging them to positively address racism and its impact on learning and opportunity.
New publication explores challenges of a rapidly emerging, multiracial population for future civil rights law and policy
- As the nation marks the civil rights milestone of the 60th anniversary of the March on Washington, a new research paper published by the UCLA Civil Rights Project/Proyecto Derechos Civiles explores the rapid growth of a multiracial population in the United States, highlighting new challenges and possibilities for the future of the civil rights movement.
Statement on Today's Affirmative Action Ruling
- Today’s ruling on affirmative action makes the Supreme Court’s majority the nation’s college admissions office and sharply reduces opportunities for students of color in the institutions that train America’s leaders. The decision is a major step backward toward a more rigidly stratified society where Black, Latino, and Native students face seriously unequal opportunities and American leadership will become more segregated. It is a purely political decision, and one in which the Court has ignored legal precedent, research-based evidence, and the advice of leading civil rights groups.
Bilingual Education IS America's Future
- New report synthesizes rigorous research to make the case for establishing bilingual education as the standard of instruction for students classified as English learners and outlines policies needed to achieve that standard. At a time of growing interest and grassroots support for bilingual education, the U.S. lags behind most other nations where bilingual education is the norm.
New Analysis Reconsiders the Role of College Admissions Testing
- A new analysis by noted researcher in college admissions, Rebecca Zwick, examines the role of standardized testing in college admissions and raises questions about whether the concept of merit in admissions should continue to be dominated by test scores.
The Civil Rights Project Praises Today’s Supreme Court Voting Rights
- CRP Co-director Gary Orfield issues a statement on today's 5-4 Supreme Court decision in the Allen v Milligan voting rights case upholding Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act.