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The School Voucher Illusion:  Exposing the Pretense of Equity, edited by Kevin Welner, Gary Orfield and Luis A. Huerta, is available from Teachers College Press. 

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Press Release Millions of Children Find the Schoolhouse Door Locked
UCLA Center for Civil Rights Remedies Finds Shocking Suspension Rates in thousands of districts across the nation.
Press Release Bans on Affirmative Action Shown to Reduce Enrollment of Graduate Students of Color at Universities in CA, FL, TX, WA
This study examines the impact of affirmative action bans, across a number of years in several states, on the enrollment of underrepresented students of color. These latest data show that the bans have led to marked declines in key areas of graduate studies.
Press Release UCLA Report Links School Integration with Positive Leadership and Better Community Relations
Teachers’ perceptions differ widely by the racial and socioeconomic makeup of their school
Press Release Out-of-School Suspensions in California’s School Districts Reveal Hidden Crisis
A new report from the Center for Civil Rights Remedies at the Civil Rights Project estimates that more than 400,000 students were suspended and removed from classrooms at least one time during the 2009-10 school year in California.
Press Release CRP Calls for Fundamental Changes in California's Community Colleges
Almost 75% of all Latino and two-thirds of all Black students who go on to higher education in California go to a community college, yet in 2010 only 20% of all transfers to four-year institutions were Latino or African American. Pathways to the baccalaureate are segregated; students attending low-performing high schools usually go directly into community colleges that transfer few students to 4-year colleges. Conversely, a handful of community colleges serving high percentages of white, Asian and middle class students are responsible for the majority of all transfers in the state. California ranks last among the states in the proportion of its college students who attend a 4-year institution, which is a key factor in the state’s abysmal record on BA attainment. In a state in which half of all high school graduates are Black and Latino, this situation spells economic disaster for the future of the state.
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