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As part of our effort to support an infrastructure of collaboration between researchers, lawyers and advocates, we believe in the importance for The Civil Rights Project to conduct conferences, briefings and trainings.

Many of our conferences are envisioned to foster debate and draw experts from several distinct areas, commissioned for further research by The Civil Rights Project.

Upcoming and Recent Events

Event Separate and Unequal: Segregation and Educational Opportunity in Metro Boston (Askwith Hall, Graduate School of Education, Harvard University, from Apr 21, 2004 09:15 AM to Apr 21, 2004 12:30 PM)
An education research and policy conference examining school segregation, student achievement, and access to higher education in metropolitan Boston
Event Race, Place, and Segregation: Redrawing the Color Line in Our Nation's Metros (from Nov 16, 2001 12:30 PM to Nov 17, 2001 12:30 PM)
On November 16, 2001, CRP held its first conference on housing and civil rights, sponsored by the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Joint Center for Housing Studies, and The Brookings Institution Center on Urban and Metropolitan Policy.
Event Dropouts in America: How severe is the problem? 
What do we know about intervention and prevention? (from Jan 13, 2001 06:50 PM to Jan 14, 2001 06:50 PM)
On January 13, 2001, CRP held its first conference on high school dropouts and reform policies to tackle this problem. Co-sponsored with Achieve Inc., it gathered more than 17 experts in the subject and produced 14 commissioned papers.
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