CRP Events for 2013
Summary of New Research Closing the School Discipline Gap: Research to Policy
- This summary of Key Findings in sixteen new research studies, all presented in January 2013 at the “Closing the School Discipline Gap Conference,” describes the school discipline gap, contributing factors, and the benefits of reducing the disparities for students’ academic and life outcomes, and school safety.
Racial Transformation in the Suburbs: Do Public Schools Have A Plan? (Moore Hall 100, UCLA Campus , from May 09, 2013 06:30 PM to May 09, 2013 08:00 PM)
- The Speaking of Education Lectures at the UCLA Graduate School of Education & Information Studies continue with Gary Orfield and Lorrie Frasure-Yokley discussing their new book
Closing the School Discipline Gap Conference & Research Papers
- Documents for the event, including program information.
Segregation, Immigration, and Educational Inequality
- Documents for the Conference at University of Ghent, Ghent Belgium, September 21, 2013.