Featured Research Collection
Featured Research Collection used by front page.
- California School Suspensions Decline, Driven by Fewer Punishments for Disruption/Defiance
- Districts Making Progress toward Reducing Racial/Ethnic Suspension Disparities, though Gaps Still Remain. Study Shows Higher Test Scores Correlated with Lower Suspension Rates, Reducing Concern that Discipline Reforms May Jeopardize Student Achievement.
- UCLA Report Finds Connecticut’s Schools Growing More Integrated; Programs are a “Lighthouse for the Region”
- LOS ANGELES—For the first time in its ten recent studies of public school segregation in East Coast states, the Civil Rights Project today releases a new report documenting significant progress toward integrated education. In the state of Connecticut there has been clear progress, according to the new study’s findings.
- Are We Closing the School Discipline Gap? New Research Identifies Districts with Worst Suspension Records
- Findings include: U.S. kids are losing almost 18 million days of instruction; Florida leads all states with highest suspension rate; many districts have improved, but overall U.S. rate has changed little.
- Decades of Inaction Lead to Worst Segregaton in Pennsylvania Schools in Two Decades
- Using statewide public school enrollment data from 1989 to 2010, a new report examines changes in school enrollment and segregation at the state-level as well across Pennsylvania’s two largest metropolitan areas –Philadelphia and Pittsburgh.
- Delaware’s School Resegregation Increasing after Dissolution of its Groundbreaking Metropolitan Desegregation Plan
- "The Courts, the Legislature and Delaware’s Resegregation" summarizes substantial research showing segregated schools’ strong links to multiple forms of unequal educational opportunity and outcomes.