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The School Voucher Illusion:  Exposing the Pretense of Equity, edited by Kevin Welner, Gary Orfield and Luis A. Huerta, is available from Teachers College Press. 

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Press Release UCLA Research Center Releases Studies Showing Barriers To College From State Budget Cuts Growing
The reports clearly show the very dramatic impact of cuts implemented prior to this year, with huge cuts now being imposed certain to intensify the situation. In a policy briefing today, representatives of the California Senate Education Committee, the California Postsecondary Education Commission, and the Legislative Analyst's Office will comment on the studies and offer their perspectives on where the state goes from here.
Press Release College Affordability at Risk for Latino, African American & American Indian Youth
The Civil Rights Project/Proyecto Derechos Civiles at UCLA released two studies showing that college affordability in California is at risk and financial aid is urgently needed. Across the board students are found to be working too many hours to keep up with their studies and a huge proportion (30%) of those surveyed may abandon their studies and hopes of getting a college degree.
Press Release Education for Students at CSUs Shortchanged by State’s Fiscal Crisis
Faculty in Crisis is a two-part study and the second in a series of reports about the devastating effects of state budget cuts on the California State University system. The reports find that many professors in the CSU system feel that the cutbacks already implemented, coupled with the substantial cuts projected, put the quality of a CSU education in a rapid spiral downward. The studies reveal that faculty are extremely concerned, that the students are losing out, and that their learning experience is significantly undermined by the fiscal crisis.
Press Release Separate and Unequal Schools Pervasive in Southern California
California has become a national leader in school segregation for Latino students who are now a clear majority of all students in Southern California, the center of the nation’s largest Latino community. The Southern California region is also home to the West’s largest black community and African American students are also intensely segregated. This segregation is not only by race and poverty, but frequently by language as well, and it is related to fundamentally different patterns of educational opportunity and achievement.
Press Release Impact of CSU Cuts on Students is Worse than Expected
Fewer courses and rising tuition are compounded by the nation's financial crisis.
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