Featured Research Collection
Featured Research Collection used by front page.
- Major Bi-national Conference to Address Education Crisis Across the U.S.-Mexico Border
- "The Students We Share," a bi-national conference relating to the educational needs of immigrant students, will be held January 15-16 In Mexico City.
- Government’s Largest Program for Subsidized Housing Ignores Civil Rights Standards says New Report by UCLA Civil Rights Project
- In a report, "The Opportunity Illusion: Subsidized Housing and Failing Schools in California," CRP Researcher Deirdre Pfeiffer explores the link between housing segregation and inferior educational outcomes.
- Report Challenges Charter School Civil Rights Policy
- "Equity Overlooked: Charter Schools and Civil Rights Policy," by Erica Frankenberg and Genevieve Siegel-Hawley examines the civil rights implications of the Obama administration's pro-charter school policies.
- UC Report Says Districts Struggling to Maintain Diversity Plans Should Look to Berkeley Public Schools for Ideas
- The Warren Institute on Race, Ethnicity and Diversity at UC Berkeley and the Civil Rights Project's joint report, "Integration Defended: Berkeley unified's Strategy to Maintain School Diversity," describes how the school district's successful integration efforts have created diverse schools and survived legal challenges.
- Study by UCLA’s Civil Rights Project: NCLB Ignores What We Know about School Change and Is Motivated by Politics
- In "Why High Stakes Accountability Sounds Good but Doesn’t Work — And Why We Keep on Doing It Anyway," Researchers Gail Sunderman and Heinrich Mintrop address the failure of NCLB to meaningfully address the problems facing the nations schools.