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The School Voucher Illusion:  Exposing the Pretense of Equity, edited by Kevin Welner, Gary Orfield and Luis A. Huerta, is available from Teachers College Press. 

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News Collection for front page news items.

Featured News Civil Rights Project Hails New Federal Guidance on School Discipline
The Department of Justice and the Education Department today jointly released guidance to public schools that should help curb what many call the school-to-prison pipeline, which often begins when students are excluded from school and too often ends with incarceration as adults, a pattern very disproportionately impacting students of color.
Featured News NEW RESOURCES: Two webinar recordings on school discipline and affirmative action
Featured News CALL FOR PERSONAL STORIES: Turning Around the School-to-Prison Pipeline
The Center for Civil Rights Remedies is seeking personal stories for possible inclusion in an upcoming book, “Closing the School Discipline Gap,” by Teachers College Press, and for use in additional forthcoming reports containing profiles of large districts.
Featured News CRP Announces Opportunity for Postdoctoral Scholar in Higher Education Research
The Civil Rights Project/Proyecto Derechos Civiles seeks an experienced education policy researcher in the area of higher education policy and finance. The postdoctoral scholar must have proven experience managing a complex research project, analyzing quantitative/qualitative data, and writing well and clearly for a policy audience.
Featured News CRP Center issues statement supporting US DOE's changes to Civil Rights Data Collection
CRP's Center for Civil Rights Remedies issued a statement of support to the U.S. Department of Education's proposed changes to the Civil Rights Data Collection. We applauded additions, such as tracking the days of lost instruction due to disciplinary actions, and reporting on the educational conditions in juvenile justice institutions. But we also urged annual and timely reporting of the disaggregated data so essential to the enforcement of anti-discrimination law.
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