Media Coverage of Out of School and Off Track (4/8/2013)
National and local media coverage of THE CCRR's coverage of "Out of School and Off Track."
April 8, 2013
Joy Resmovits. "School 'Discipline Gap' Explodes As 1 In 4 Black Students Suspended, Report Finds." The Huffington Post:
"For years, education advocates have highlighted the dire importance of closing the achievement gap of academic performance between students of different ethnic and socioeconomic groups. Now, another group of advocates is drawing attention to the discipline gap of unequal punishments to different groups of students."
Adolfo Guzman-Lopez. "UCLA Report: Public School Suspension Policies Do More Harm than Good." 89.3 KPCC Southern California Public Radio:
"Researchers found that while suspension rates for Asian and white students remained largely unchanged between 1973 and 2010, suspension rates for African-American and Latino students doubled."
Liz Goodwin. "One in Nine Middle and High Schoolers Suspended During School Year." Yahoo! News:
in 9 students in middle and high schools in the 2009-2010 school year
were suspended at least once, according to a new report by a civil
rights group concerned that the high suspension rate may be pushing kids
to drop out of school altogether."
April 9, 2013
Jenée Desmond-Harris. "Study: 1 in 4 Black Students Suspended." The Root:
"According to the Center for Civil Rights Remedies at the UCLA Civil Rights Project, 24 percent of black students were suspended at least once in the 2009-2010 school year, compared with 7.1 percent of white students. Worse, experts say that poor and African-American students are likely to receive harsher penalties. The effects of the disparities are also believed to extend beyond school discipline and actually fuel the academic achievement gap."
Susan Ferriss. "New Report Highlights Disproportionate School Discipline for Minorities." The Center for Public Integrity: "Even one or two out-of-school suspensions are now linked by multiple studies to a greater risk of a student dropping out, suffering “failure” and being incarcerated, researchers for the University of California at Los Angeles Civil Rights Project said Monday at a Capitol Hill briefing."
Kyla Calvert. "Some SD Schools Shy Away From Suspensions." KPBS. April 8, 2013: "Nearly a quarter of black students across the country were suspended during the 2009-10 school year compared to just 7.1 percent of white students. Twelve percent of Latino students were suspended that year. Those with disabilities had a suspension rate of 19.3 percent compared to 6.6 percent of students without disabilities."