2015 Site News
Statements by researchers, short responses to current issues, and in-house announcements.
Senator Edward Brooke: A personal reflection by Gary Orfield
- CRP Co-director Gary Orfield reflects on the Civil Rights legacy of Senator Edward William Brooke III (October 26, 1919 – January 3, 2015).
Announcing New Book with Groundbreaking Studies on School Discipline
- A new book, Closing the School Discipline Gap, from The Center for Civil Rights Remedies at the UCLA Civil Rights Project (CRP/CCRR) looks at disciplinary policies and practices in school that result in disparities, and provides remedies that may be enacted at federal, state, and district levels.
The Winter 2015 Bulletin/Noticiero is here!
- The Winter 2015 Issue highlights a new CRP book release, one that looks at the benefits of being bilingual in the U.S. labor market. Alumni Spotlight interviews Associate Professor Mindy Kornhaber, who conducts research on how institutional policies affecting individual potential could be more equitable. Upcoming events, new resources, and civil rights in history are also featured.
Education Secretary Duncan Advocates Shifting Money From Prisons to Schools
- CRP's Center for Civil Rights Remedies supports Education Secretary Arnie Duncan's September 30, 2015 proposal to shift funds from prisons to schools.
More than 800 Scholars File Brief with U.S. Supreme Court Supporting Diversity Policies in College Admissions
- More than 800 social scientists from all parts of the U.S. recently submitted a brief to the U.S. Supreme Court presenting evidence on the need to maintain colleges’ rights to consider race as one of many factors in selecting students. We believe that this brief is the most massive outpouring of scholarly support ever for a social science brief in a civil rights case.