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CRP Co-director calls on advocates and scholars to monitor decentralization of new federal ed law

Date Published: April 07, 2016

CRP Co-Director, in a journal article on the new federal education law, calls on education and civil rights advocates and scholars to monitor the massive decentralization of federal education funds to the states. This special issue of the Education Law & Policy Review commemorates the 50th Anniversary of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 and passage of the Every Student Succeeds Act in 2015.

April 7, 2016

A special double-issue of the Education Law & Policy Review, Volume 3, is dedicated to the 50thAnniversary of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 and the passage of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) in 2015.  In this volume, Preeminent scholars in education law and policy provide thoughtful responses to the dramatic changes in ESSA and provocative ideas for improving education through incentivizing equity, strengthening mandates, and building capacity.  All of these are viable strategies for attempting to leverage improved educational outcomes for students.  University of Georgia Professor, Elizabeth DeBary, and University of Southern Mississippi Assistant Professor, Ann E. Blankenship, served as Guest-Co-Editors.

This issue features scholarship by Gary Orfield (UCLA Civil Rights Project), Jack Jennings (founder and former CEO of the Center on Education Policy), Megan Hopkins (University of Illinois-Chicago), Christine Malsbary (Vassar College), P. Zitali Morales (University of Illinois-Chicago), Emily Hodge (Montclair State University), Erica Frankenberg (Pennsylvania State University), Christopher Suarez (Williams & Connolly, LLP), Tina Trujillo (UC Berkley), Kara Finnigan (University of Rochester), Jennifer Jellison Holme (University of Texas at Austin), Nicholas Triplett et al. (University of North Carolina, Charlotte), and Benjamin Superfine (University of Illinois-Chicago).

The Education Law & Policy Review is a publication of the Education Law Consortium (ELC) in cooperation with the Education Law Association (ELA), the international education law professional association founded in 1954.  It is a peer-reviewed law and policy journal providing scholarly reviews and commentary on national and international issues in education law and policy in K-12 and Higher Education, publishing leading law and policy research and analysis for use by scholars, policymakers, judges, lawyers, and educators.  

The issue will be available online at  



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