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National Assoc of State Boards of Ed encourages states to add school discipline indicator to state-wide accountability plans

Date Published: May 24, 2017

The National Association of State Boards of Education (NASBE) issued a policy brief encouraging states to add a school discipline indicator to their state-wide school accountability plans required by the Every Student Succeeds Act. The brief, co written by CCRR Director Daniel Losen, was based on research findings demonstrating large disparities by race and disability status and linking high suspension rates to negative academic and life outcomes.


"The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) paved the way for states to create holistic accountability systems that measure school quality and student success by means other than academic test scores. States incorporated a variety of “fifth indicators” in state plans they submitted this spring for review by the U.S. Department of Education, while others are weighing which indicators to include in their fall submission.

This NASBE policy update series explores the pros and cons of five frequently discussed indicators. It highlights what states have proposed in their ESSA plans so far and offers key considerations for state boards that are refining their plans for September submission."

The Five indicators are:

Career and Technical Education

School Climate and Student Discipline

Social and Emotional Learning

Chronic Absenteeism

Access to High-Level Course Work


The new policy brief on School Climate and Student Discipline can be found here:


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