2013 Press Releases
CRP/PDC Press Releases and Media Alerts for 2013.
UCLA Report Finds Virginia’s African American Students Face Increasing Racial Segregation and Poverty in School
- Despite Virginia’s long history with school desegregation, little political attention has been paid to the growing multi-racial diversity of the state’s enrollment and rising levels of isolation for its African American and Latino students. This report, which covers the past two decades, is the first to thoroughly explore trends in the state, its major metro areas and largest school divisions in the years since many of its districts were released from court order to desegregate.
"Out of School and Off Track" Reports Detail Disturbing and Increased Use of Suspensions
- Two first-of-their-kind reports shed light on the growing use of punitive disciplinary measures and provides research-based alternatives. The reports were presented at a Congressional briefing by researchers with responses from the legislative staffers and civil and disability rights advocates on Capitol Hill earlier today.
Report Finds Over Half of Maryland’s Black Students Attend Intensely Segregated Schools
- Maryland’s public school students are increasingly segregated by race and class, in spite of growing diversity in student enrollment statewide. The report is the first of its kind to thoroughly explore the status of school segregation trends in Maryland since the peak of desegregation in the 1980s.
CRP Report Says Time Has Come for MA to Deal with its Diversity and Segregated Schools
- The Civil Rights Project releases a new study today, the first of its kind to thoroughly explore school segregation trends in Massachusetts since the peak of desegregation in the 1980s. The study shows student enrollment in the Commonwealth’s public schools growing more diverse, while the state’s public schools become increasingly segregated along race and class lines.
Two New Studies Show Alarming Segregation in New Jersey Schools Which May Run Afoul of State Constitution
- The Civil Rights Project at UCLA (CRP) and the Institute on Education Law and Policy at Rutgers University-Newark (IELP) today jointly released two reports finding that the racial and socioeconomic divide in New Jersey public education continues to grow unabated. While the CRP report documents the jump from 1989 to 2010 in quantity of apartheid schools in New Jersey, the IELP study shows that extreme isolation of poor students of color is concentrated in mostly urban areas. Both studies are products of close collaboration between the two research centers and are interrelated, but each develops a distinctive set of issues.
Making Education Work for Latinas in the U.S.
- CRP study funded by actress and philanthropist Eva Longoria identifies factors that improve educational outcomes for Latinas