News Coverage of CRP Research (11/7/2012)
Media hits from the October 26, 2012 to November 7, 2012.
November 7, 2012
WRIC Richmond News. Suspensions of Minority Students (Video):
Virginia’s WRIC Channel 8 reported Wednesday on a study led by Daniel Losen that found that students of color are suspended at disproportionately high rates in school districts throughout the United States.
November 3, 2012
Lara Marlowe in The Irish Times. Race Issue a Constant Subtext in Campaign:
Gary Orfield notes that apart from Obama’s appointments of civil rights-minded officials and judges, “the Obama presidency has been disappointing for civil rights advocates”.
October 29, 2012
Allison Ross in The Palm Beach Post. Palm Beach County School District’s Ongoing Struggles with Suspension Policies Hurting Certain Schools, Student Groups:
Daniel J. Losen, of CRP argues that he use of out-of-school suspensions became much more widespread following a period in the 1990s when districts began adopting zero-tolerance policies regarding violence and drugs. The use of suspensions has since gone “overboard,” raising the age-old question of what to do with misbehaving students.
October 26, 2012
Elizabeth Wong, American Civil Liberties Union of Virginia. All School Suspensions are Not Equal:
According to CRP, other research on student behavior, race and discipline has found no evidence that the over-representation of Blacks in out-of-school suspension is due to higher rates of misbehavior. Rather, the cause seems to be disparate discipline.