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Metro Boston Equity Initiative

Date Published: May 06, 2010

The Metropolitan Boston Equity Initiative investigates racial change and the implications of such change for social and economic opportunity within the region’s diverse population.

Metropolitan Boston has experienced dramatic changes in its population and settlement patterns over the past several decades. These changes pose new possibilities and risks to the region. Communities across the metro area face issues of equity and access to adequate housing, education, transportation, and employment opportunities. To deal effectively with these issues within a more complex metropolitan space, communities in metro Boston will have to coordinate at a regional level, and must reconsider civil rights goals and ideals within the context of a multi-racial, multi-ethnic society

The Metropolitan Boston Equity Initiative is a yearlong effort investigating racial change and the implications of such change for social and economic opportunity within the region’s diverse population. Conducted by the Civil Rights Project at Harvard University, and sponsored by the Foley Hoag Foundation, the Hyams Foundation, the Boston Foundation, John Hancock and the Fannie Mae Foundation, the Initiative aims to:

  • Generate a powerful series of reports on racial change and inequalities in metropolitan Boston, including analyses of positive public policy changes and discussions of alternative measures and visions for the future;
  • Stimulate a broad discussion among community groups, local and state leaders, the media, civil rights organizations, and researchers over the problems and possible solutions for issues raised in these reports.




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