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Ramon Flores, Graduate Student Researcher

Photo: Ramon Flores
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Ramon Flores is a graduate student researcher at the Center for Civil Rights Remedies (CCRR), an initiative of the Civil Rights Project/Proyecto Derechos Civiles (CRP). His research broadly investigates the intersectional disparities between race/ethnicity, gender, and disability in school discipline/punishment in P-12. Ramon’s work focuses on school discipline disparities for Latinx/Hispanic students. He is currently working with Daniel Losen, J.D., on examining disparities in various school disciplinary actions at the district and state level for California. Through his research, Ramon aims to inform and change policy so that educational opportunities and outcomes improve and are optimal for historically marginalized groups. Ramon earned a B.A. in psychology from Pitzer College and an M.A. in psychological research from California State University, Long Beach. He is currently a Ph.D. candidate in education at UCLA.

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