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Integration and Diversity

Research in this section explores the impacts and benefits of racial and ethnic diversity in education, as well as resegregation trends and remedies in our nation's public schools.

Related publication: The Integration Report - a monthly bulletin focusing on school integration throughout the nation

Recent Integration and Diversity Research


Research Item Southern Slippage: Growing School Segregation in the Most Desegregated Region of the Country
In the following report, we present an in-depth treatment of Southern trends that are merely summarized in the accompanying larger report, E Pluribus… Separation
Research Item Spaces of Inclusion? Teachers’ Perceptions of School Communities with Differing Student Racial & Socioeconomic Contexts
In a nation experiencing rapidly shifting demographics, a broadened definition of inclusive education is appropriate. Differences in ability--but also by race and ethnicity, sexuality, gender, religion, and class--are found in classrooms across the nation, and our teaching force must respond accordingly.
Research Item Reviving Magnet Schools: Strengthening a Successful Choice Option
This policy brief refocuses our attention on the longstanding magnet sector. It is issued during a time of complex political and legal circumstances and seeks to understand how a variety of factors—including the Parents Involved ruling and the transition to a U.S. Department of Education led by the Obama Administration—have influenced federally-funded magnet programs.
Research Item Integrating Schools in a Changing Society: New Policies and Legal Options for a Multiracial Generation
An up-to-the-moment look at available policy options for promoting school integration.
Research Item Diversity and Educational Gains: a plan for a changing county and its schools
In response to the Jefferson County, Kentucky, school board’s request, the authors prepared a plan that builds upon and extends the nationally respected Jefferson County Public School accomplishments in operating diverse schools for nearly four decades. The authors reviewed the existing plan, and proposed a new plan to make the district's desegregation plan more effective and efficient, paying particular attention to decreasing excessive transportation times for students.
Research Item Integrating Suburban Schools: How to Benefit from Growing Diversity and Avoid Segregation
This manual summarizes and consolidates important diversity and civil rights research for schools. It manual provides invaluable guidance for education stakeholders in suburban school districts — including school board members, parents, students, community activists, administrators, policymakers and attorneys — in promoting racially diverse, high-quality schools.
Research Item Divided We Fail: Segregated and Unequal Schools in the Southland
Southern California schools show profound segregation by race, poverty and language status, all of which are visibly related to disparities in educational opportunity and outcomes. This analysis provides the first comprehensive, region-wide study of enrollment and segregation patterns in the six-county Southern California region. It then addresses the question of why these trends matter: evaluating how segregation is related to graduation rates and college attendance, as well as the distribution of learning opportunities in Southern California.
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