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The Resegregation of Suburban Schools: A Hidden Crisis in American Education

Authors: Erica Frankenberg (Editor), Gary Orfield (Editor)
Date Published: October 06, 2012

Erica Frankenberg is an assistant professor in the department of education policy studies in the College of Education at the Pennsylvania State University. Gary Orfield is a professor of education, law, political science and urban planning, and codirector of the Civil Rights Project at the University of California, Los Angeles.
RoAS Book Cover


Pub. Date: Oct 2012
ISBN-13: 978-1-61250-481-0

β€œThe United States today is a suburban nation that thinks of race as an urban issue, and often assumes that it has been largely solved,” write the editors of this groundbreaking and passionately argued book. They show that the locus of racial and ethnic transformation is now clearly suburban and illustrate patterns of demographic change in the suburbs with a series of rich case studies.

"The suburbanization of American poverty is one of the most significant trends of recent times, and yet school systems are largely unprepared. Erica Frankenberg and Gary Orfield have assembled a terrific group of scholars who document growing school segregation and also outline some constructive and hopeful solutions. This is a compelling and important book."   
β€” Richard D. Kahlenberg,
The Century Foundation

"This important new volume explains why so much received wisdom about suburbia is simply wrong, why the front lines of educational opportunity and also of social and political change in our country lie in our increasingly diverse and unequal suburbs, and what kinds of policies and practices are urgently needed. A must-read not only for education specialists, but for planners and policy makers concerned about community vitality."
β€” Xavier De Souza Briggs
Massachusetts Institute of Technology


An interview of Professor Orfield about this book is available via UCLA Today.


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