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School Discipline

Research related to the racial disparities in policies and practices related to school discipline.


See also the Civil Rights Project's Center for Civil Rights Remedies for information on additional school-to-prison pipeline research


Research Item Keeping California's Kids in School
This report compares this year’s data release covering 2012-13 to the data released last year covering 2011-12. We find a reduction in the use of out-of-school suspension for every racial/ethnic group.
Research Item Nationwide Survey of State Education Agencies’ Online School Disciplinary Data (Fall 2013)
School Disciplinary Data reported by SEAs online.
Research Item Web Tool: Suspension Data by State or School District
For those working every day to plug the school-to-prison pipeline, access to timely data on suspensions and disparities between school districts is critical. This web tool developed allows users to access that information for their state or school district in minutes.
Research Item Out of School & Off Track: Reports by District
These regional reports detail suspension rates for students based on Department of Education data. Disaggregation by school level, race and disability status reveals profound disparities in the risk for out of school suspensions.
Research Item Out of School and Off Track: The Overuse of Suspensions in American Middle and High Schools
In this first of a kind breakdown of data from over 26,000 U.S. middle and high schools, CRP researchers estimate that well over two million students were suspended during the 2009-2010 academic year. This means that one out of every nine secondary school students was suspended at least once during that year. As other studies demonstrate, the vast majority of suspensions are for minor infractions of school rules, such as disrupting class, tardiness, and dress code violations, rather than for serious violent or criminal behavior. serious incidents are rare and result in expulsions, which are not covered by this report.
Research Item Sent Home and Put Off-Track: The Antecedents, Disproportionalities, and Consequences of Being Suspended in the Ninth Grade
Prepared for the Center for Civil Rights Remedies and the Research-to-Practice Collaborative, National Conference on Race and Gender Disparities in Discipline
Research Item Racial Disparities in School Suspension and Subsequent Outcomes: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997
Prepared for the Center for Civil Rights Remedies and the Research-to-Practice Collaborative, National Conference on Race and Gender Disparities in Discipline.
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